Configure punctuation rules and subtitle dimensions


This topic describes how you can configure the punctuation rules for the current file and limit the size of the subtitles as well as determining if and where blank spaces are allowed.


For a Wincaps Q4 (W32) file, these settings are usually determined by the customer template chosen when the file was created and should not normally need to be changed.


For a Q-Live (N32) file created via Q-News, these settings are configured in Q-News and should not normally need to be changed.


To configure these settings, click the Punctuation & Size button in the Subtitle defaults & preferences section of the Toolbox->File Info tab.


The Punctuation and Size dialog is displayed as shown below:


Punctuation Tab

Subtitles Tab

Punctuation tab

These settings determine how Wincaps Q4 handles punctuation and continuation dots.


The Sentence Ending options allow you to choose additional characters to be treated as sentence ending punctuation for purposes of text-splitting and auto-capitalisation.  These characters are:


3 Dots








Music Symbols



Note that it is not possible to enable 3 Dots at the same time as continuation dots (see below).


The Punctuation Rules are used by the Rows/spaces check.  For each punctuation symbol you can choose to flag an error if leading/trailing spaces are not present.


Select a character and choose from the following options:


You can configure Wincaps Q4 to automatically insert Continuation Dots when splitting subtitles, e.g. if splitting a long subtitle manually using the Ctrl Return key or when inputting a block of text via the SpeakTitle window.   If enabled, three dots will be inserted at the end of the first part and two dots at the beginning of the second part.  Tick the Enable automatic insertion while editing box and select from the following options:


Wincaps Q4 will only insert continuation dots if there is sufficient space on a row to accommodate them after splitting has occurred.  Wincaps Q4 will not automatically re-split subtitles to accommodate continuation dots.


Subtitles tab


The Subtitle Dimension settings allow you to control the height and row length of subtitles in the current file.



The Line break on colour option determines whether a line break is automatically inserted whenever the foreground colour changes.  If enabled, a new line will be inserted immediately prior to the colour change taking effect, ensuring that text from each different speaker is automatically placed on a new line.

The Blanks and Spaces rules are used by the Rows/spaces check.

See Also:

File basics